Customer Testimonials

“I bought a pair for my hubby, and he described them as comfortable and supportive. He was pleasantly surprised by how much he liked them. He looks good in anything, but I think these are way better than his whites win win!” 
– Debbie K.
“Changed my life after just 2 hours! Makes me want to walk around without pants wearing only my Frii Wilii’s!!!”
 – Kurt P.
“These really are dope! I look humongous!”
– Kyle T.
“Frii Wilii offers the best support of all designer boxer briefs I have tried.”
– Michael C.
"AMAZING FIT!!! Reasonable price!! Love the logo!!! I heard about Frii Wilii from a friend, so I purchased a pair for my husband. He ended up loving them. He said they were very comfortable and asked me to purchase him some more."
– Black devil Sha
"Today I went Frii Wilii! Absolutely an amazing feeling, like you're not wearing any underwear at all.
My order was shipped fast and you even get a few gifts with your order...what a surprise.
I highly recommend these for men that want to eliminate binding or sticking you get with traditional underwear.
Women, do your man a favor and get him a few pair...he will love them."
– Sonny Martin
"These are are wonderful to wear. You can wear them with the Wilii out or in, your choice. How many other's give you a "choice"? The waist band doesn't fold over and, looks great! I absolutely love mine!"
– Charles Clark
"Def the most supportive mens underwear ever! Perfect if your a "thru the gate" man!"
– groov junkie01
"I’ve been a boxer brief guy for years and I love the comfort and fit of frii Willii. It’s as close to commando while wearing underwear as you can get. My wife loves them too."
– Scott Davis
"When I heard about Frii Wilii I decided to purchase two pair and try them out. I can’t believe the difference a pair of underwear can make. I was walking into a store the first day and it felt so liberating and frii-ing, yet I still felt protected by the [veil]. The material feels amazing. They are so comfortable and seriously support my low hanging fruit! I really love these and will be purchasing more for everyday use!"
– Dads Pistol
"The most awesome underwear I wear!!!!!!! So comfortable and supportive. Thumbs up!!!!"
– Pat Gilmore


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